Social media campaigns are an integral part of any successful business in the 21st Century.
In our increasingly digitised world, social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, or Twitter play an important role in reaching your target audience.
Here’s a step-by-step approach to creating social media campaigns that engage your audience, boost your sales, and expand your reach – aka social campaigns that work:
1. Decide on the goal of the campaign
It’s all very well to post a cute video of a playful puppy, but is that relevant to your business? More importantly, is that relevant to your customers? Before you get started, sit down and decide with your team what the goal of your campaign is. Are you promoting a particular product? Are you partnering with a non-profit, and want to expand your reach? Is the goal articulated in a clear way, and how will the effectiveness be evaluated? Decide all of this before you start posting, so you have a clear idea of what, why, and how you want to achieve this.
2. Decide how you want it executed across different platforms
There are pros and cons to using different social media channels – and different content and images you will need to use across them. It’s always best to create a post where the audience will have to take an action of some kind, such as a like, comment, or a link that redirects them to your website. Figure out early on if one channel works best for your business, or if your target audience is spread across a variety of platforms, and plan accordingly.
3. Schedule and monitor your posts
Don’t just post any time of the day, any time of the week. In order to create a campaign that works, you need to figure out a schedule that not only works for you and your business, but one that will reach the most amount of people at the right time. Think lunch breaks, hump day, and Friday Fun. Create a schedule, and make sure you stick to it in order to create a loyal following who knows what to expect.
Creating a social campaign isn’t easy, especially if you’re new to the social media world. However, once you understand how it works and how you can use it to your advantage, you and your business will reap the benefits.
Contact us and see how we can help you create a social campaign that works for you!
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